Panas topik hari ini. Sangat-sangat jarang aku tulis topik sebegini. Tapi apa salahnya kalau kongsikan benda-benda macam ni kan? 😀
Tak lama dulu aku pernah terbaca satu artikel (atau buku?) yang mengatakan perempuan yang pandai lebih cenderung memiliki buah dada kecil kerana mereka lebih menumpukan perhatian kepada pelajaran berbanding saiz buah dada mereka.
Tapi kajian terbaru yang di jalankan di Chicago, Amerika Syarikat menunjukkan perempuan yang memiliki buah dada besar lebih pandai. Cuba baca artikel pendek kat bawah.
A STUDY conducted in the United States showed that women with big breasts are not necessarily less intelligent than those who are less endowed.
Quoting a Singapore newspaper article, Sin Chew Daily said women with bigger breasts were found to be smarter instead.
It said the study was conducted in Chicago to find out whether the size of a woman’s bust affected her brain power.
The study, involving 1,200 women, was conducted by a female researcher. The subjects were divided into five groups, from extra small to extra big.
The report said it was possible such women were smarter due to the higher level of female hormones that could result in better development in the brain.
Habis la lepas ni semua pakat-pakat dok besarkan pulak. Haha. Tapi tunggu dulu! Aku jumpa satu lagi artikel yang mengatakan “Perempuan yang memiliki buah dada besar lebih cenderung menghidap Diabetes”.
TORONTO: Girls with big breasts have a 68% higher chance of developing diabetes by middle age than their small-breasted counterparts, according to a new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
The decade-long study to find link between big breasts and diabetes development among nurses in the US shows that those with bigger breasts at 20 are at 68% higher risk of developing the disease in later years.
Joel Ray, professor of medicine at the University of Toronto and a clinician-scientist at the local St Michael’s Hospital, said this was “the broad conclusion” of his research team on the basis on the study that was published on Tuesday.
“Our findings are based on data from the Nurses Health Study II project in 14 American states. In a nutshell, 92,102 nurses were studied for link between their breast size and their chances of developing diabetes by the age of 35. The bigger their breasts are at the age of 20, the bigger their chances of developing diabetes,” Ray said.
However, Ray was quick to add that the breast size could be one of the factors, apart from smoking, family history,
diet and ethnicity that trigger diabetes in women.“Obesity remains a big factor. Obese women tend to have larger breasts, thereby becoming more prone to diabetes,” he said.
From these findings, he said, it will be interesting to study how breast fat influences insulin resistance. Ray emphasized that their research was preliminary at this stage and should not be taken at its face value. Women should not think about breast surgeries to minimize their chances of developing diabetes.
Aku harap korang yang masuk ke sini atas carian google yang tak elok dan korang yang sampai ke sini sebab tertarik dengan tajuk post ni akan tetap dapat sedikit info dan tambahkan pengetahuan am. Hehe.
hehe curik 🙂
husband aku ker neh… tak bleh blah sungguh… *geleng2*
errrrr apa kaitan ye. otak yg cerdik tu mai drpd buah dada yg besar tu ka…
isk isk…
pandai n breast besar ade kaitan ek?
nk kene tgk ‘tu’ dulu la sblom pilih calon..
wah,mcm2 fakta…hihihi…
psni sume pakat tgk bnde 2 je la nk tw pompuan pndai ke x…
jgn mrh ek kaum perempuan,hihihi…
haha. skrang nie, diorang dah takde kajian nak wat.
BTW, hari nie nyer perkara baru :
sila kan.. hehe.. thanks sbb link ke sini 😀
ye, ini hasben anda.. sila percaya.. :p
hahaha.. tanye depa.. :p
tapi pastikan yg real… bukan yg fake :p
hahaha.. tuh la pasal
tuh la.. dah abes benda dierang dok kaji… sbb tuh mula kaji benda merepek..
btw, benda tuh mmg sungguh takleh blah.. aku igt die boleh dpt kesan mcm implant.. rupanye stakt buat “ilusi optik” je.. :p
Sejak kahwin dah pandai cerita pasal buah dada.. =)
blom kawin pon pandai cume xtunjuk jerk.. hahahaha…
kopek saya sangat besar nak buat kecil macam mana
orang putih tak malu tunjuk payudara dh lah besar pakaian seksi pulok tu dok tahu malu.
tuhan marah kalau kita membuka aurat kita nanti masuk api naraka
saya dulu begitu juga tetapi saya pergi mendengar ceramah saya menjadi sedar atas semua kesalahan saya.sekarang ini saya telahy menutup aurat kalau saya tak sedar sekarang ini mesti saya masuk api naraka sekarang ini kalau saya sudah mati innadillah hiwainnallahi rojiun……
kalaulah semua orang menutup aurat mesti tiada api neraka betul betul betul.
allah maha besar allah maha kaya dan allah maha esa.itulah tuhan saya sesiapa yang tidak mengikut ajarannya maka masuklah dia ke dalam api neraka.
kalau saya malu tunjuk buah dada ke orang.
waw…. besar nian jadi takut deh……